Monday, August 16, 2010

4.11.08 - rooming in

Mommy and daddy are spending the night tonight at the hospital with you to "room in". This allows us to show them that we can care for you and take you home! If you do well then they take out the NG tube and possibly let you come home this weekend. You have been doing great with the bottles every since we started them back and you nurse like a champ every time. It is like it finally just clicked and you are eating great. It is amazing having you all to ourselves in this room and not asking anyone permission. In order to pass the rooming in you have to gain weight overnight. We have to make sure you eat enough every feed. We are setting an alarm and getting up every 3 hrs to feed you. we are going to use bottles tonight so we know exactly how much you ate. It is hard work because when you are sleepy it is hard to get you to eat. We are praying hard that we are only a few days away from home!

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